Invisilign: A Fantastic Alternative to Braces!
Are you active out in the world, eager for your next social encounter and ready to face the day? Is a smile that isn’t perfectly straight stopping you from participating, and the idea of bulky metal braces makes you cringe? Thankfully, the solution to your anguish is invisilign! Gone are the days of being forced to have metal in your mouth every day of every week, suffering through choosing what you may or may not eat based on clunky metal on your teeth, and not being able to go anywhere without constantly thinking about the barrier between your beautiful, alluring smile and those in front of you.There are an uncountable amount of advantages to having invisilign compared to usual braces. I’m extremely jealous of those living in this day and age where invisilign is so much more accessible than it once was, as I was stuck with braces- and in high school to top it off. I was unable to chew gum, eat apples raw- which is what I missed most of all, on top of having the usual amount of lack of self confidence that most of us may experience in high school, life with bulky metal braces was absolutely not preferable. The part of having invisilign that I always considered would most likely be an enormous positive, though unusual, is the idea of playing sports with them, or in other words with the lack of braces. I was a tennis player in high school, with my braces and all, and the entire thought of this was absolutely terrifying to me. Often I imagined a vibrant yellow-green ball flying ninety miles per hour at my face, hitting my mouth, and the pain that would be endured afterwards. Regrettably, every sport pretty much involves that possibility of being hit, and with braces, the injury to the mouth factor increases. The idea of the potential to have invisilign that I could either simply remove while in a game, or having a device straightening my teeth that isn’t sharp, seems like something truly amazing. On top of that, I remember the daily struggle of life after a tightening of braces. Invisilign is takes much more of a quiet, comforting approach to this. Having your mouth laced up with wires was always a bit frightening, and made it terribly difficult to eat almost anything afterwards. I still can vividly recall the night after I’d tightened my braces that afternoon, eating at a great restaurant, and being completely unable to enjoy my sandwich due to pain. Not only is it less aggressive, but it is also so much easier to clean. I remember being warned about the possibility of cavities under my braces once removed, due to the difficulty in cleaning them- invisilign would’ve absolutely saved me from that worry. Invisilign with that less aggressive approach, is there to create positive memories as well as an excellent, straight smile!Call Coral Springs Dental Center today and set up your appointment for clear, comfortable, attractive invisilign today.
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