Wisdom Teeth- Up-Keep is Important!
Wisdom teeth are always a huge issue when anything dentistry related comes to mind. They are often the topic of the year once you come of a certain age, fortunately or unfortunately enough. It is however a pretty natural part of life to need your wisdom teeth removed- and it’s not something to put off or take lightly, either. I recently had a friend who visited the dentist for the first time in a while and found out something interestingly horrifying about the situation of all four of his wisdom teeth. Not only were his teeth positioned in a manner that caused terrible breath ninety percent of the time, but due to never visiting the dentist on the topic of his wisdom teeth, the roots had a little too much time to grow, way past where they are naturally supposed to. His root actually began growing towards his nasal cavity. This was on the top two teeth, in fact, and had he let this grow a few years longer, the root would’ve pierced his nasal cavity causing grave and severe damage.As for those bottom teeth, they were facing forward- one of them had a pocket below that would’ve been the side of the tooth (if it weren’t growing sideways of course) and the gums. This pocket allowed food and general debris to accumulate, and therefore was basically impossible to clean outside of a dental appointment, thus causing the halitosis. This, my friends, is the reason as to why you make sure to keep tabs on your wisdom teeth with your dentist! Not only did the above mentioned individual have all of this occur, the wisdom teeth were also ruining the numerous years of braces he endured to have a straight smile, as they were pushing the rest of his previously well aligned teeth forward. This goes to show how important wisdom teeth upkeep actually is. Not everyone needs all of their wisdom teeth removed, as some people only require one or two, and others non at all. In regards to my own case, I had severe overcrowding due to a very small mouth. Four of my teeth towards the front were extracted, as it was an easier extraction to pull out the front four compared to the back wisdom teeth as they were not out yet, and braces were then put on, aligning my teeth perfectly. I was able to keep my wisdom teeth and allow them to grow in as long as I continued to wear a retainer at night after my braces came off- this assisted in keeping them in place. However, as the dentist explained, it was extremely important to upkeep my dental visits so as to be sure my wisdom teeth were coming in well (and I continued to have dental x-rays performed every now and then). Thus far, all is well because I didn’t put the dental visits to the side. At Coral Springs Dental Center, we will be able to perform the important upkeep on not only your wisdom teeth, but your entire mouth. Keep that mouth healthy with Coral Springs Dental Center!
Wisdom Teeth
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